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Home Temple Essence KitsBlue Dolphin Essence Kit


Using Your Home Temple Essence Kits

  Option One  |  Option Two  |  Option Three  |  Option Four

Option Three - Use the essences to enhance the effectiveness of a self directed chakra-color healing method. 
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This option is only for those who are experienced with process of personal transformation.  This is an option for those who know they create their own reality.  These people know that if they love themselves enough they create a highly conscious way of helping themselves resolve their conflicts. 

If you choose this option you must know about the complex energy centers called chakras.  You must know that people live in a human body with a highly developed energetic matrix that gives them feedback every second of every day about the condition of their consciousness. 

The energy represented by each essence is housed in one specific chakra.  These are called the twenty rays of Christ Consciousness.  The frequency of these rays are captured in the twenty Essences for the Home Temple.  Every human being houses these frequencies in the chakra system. These frequencies become activated as  people love themselves out of fear. 

The people who love themselves out of fear consciously create a life focus of healing every physical, emotional, mental or spiritual issue that comes up.   Such people may employ the help of varied professionals to assist them in healing their fear.  Always, however, such people take complete responsibility for their lives. 


I have completely enjoyed using the rays as a color therapy tool.  I have loved the results.  I have come to some conclusions as I have used this method of color healing.  I have decided that color healing, when used in the context of self directed personal growth work, is extraordinarily empowering.  I have the power to heal my own emotional trauma.  I have the power to heal my own physical problems.  I just have to love myself to take the time to do it.” 

 “I just proved to myself that this method of self healing works.  I had a problem with finding my purpose.  I couldn’t figure out what to do with my life.  I had no appreciation of my personal gift of helping others complete big, complex projects.  As I have meditated with the ray of purpose I’ve begun to appreciate my gift and feel that my gift is what I have to offer to others.

 I regularly bring the pink ray of purpose from my sixth chakra into my heart.  I do this automatically perhaps twenty times a day.  If I apply my essence of Purpose to my heart it seems to magnify the effect of using the ray by about 50%.”