Giving Thanks
by Archangel Michael
Through Kathryn Jensen
This communication from Archangel Michael is
very specifically directed to those who voted for Kerry.
He asks however that this communication be shared with many.
Some may have voted for Bush.
asks that those who voted for Bush read the following message with open hearts
as they do their best to feel and recognize the truth behind every word being
The crazy political campaign in the United States of America
has left many people around the world wondering if God gave up on living in the
minds and hearts of the American people. Many
Americans are wondering if they live in the right country.
They feel alienated from the segment of the American public that voted
for President Bush. They wonder if
life on Earth will survive another four years of President Bush in office.
A common fear many of you share is that his policies will cripple the
conscientious efforts of environmentalists who passionately desire to find
another way of living harmoniously and abundantly.
Many of you crave, for example, support in developing sustainable
agricultural practices that enhance the health of Mother Earth.
There is a difficult struggle ahead for President Bush and his supporters.
Why? Archangel Michael observes many of you share many if not all of
the values and concerns expressed in the following affirmation.
Archangel Michael observes many of you are inspired to take appropriate
You feel deeply that your values represent the values that most people hold in
their hearts. You feel deeply that
these values are embedded in the consciousness of mankind.
You feel deeply that some people forget to love themselves.
People forget that loving themselves and others ultimately creates peace within
and a devotion to creating Peace on Earth.
An Affirmation
My Commitment to Creating World Peace
With love I take
up arms.
I support every environmental group that’s authentically working on life style
changes that heal the contamination of Earth’s oceans and heal the strife
filled areas of the planet. Such
areas may lack sensible environmental practices in part due to greed and in part
to too many people stripping the land of much needed fire wood, water and other
resources. I support environmental
groups that serve with World Peace as their primary objective.
I take charge of my own Earthly existence.
I support alternative educational groups that honor the magical, brilliance of
the human child. Such groups know
that children beautifully and perfectly spell out exactly what they must have to
learn how to become God centered, immensely gifted leaders.
I learn to heal my own body. I
disperse my wisdom by being an excellent role model.
People ask me how I keep myself so physically fit with bright eyes and
shining hair. People ask me how I
live such a busy life without becoming tired and worn out.
People want to know why I
have such love and excitement for life when I’ve obviously experienced such
difficult times.
I take charge of my own thoughts as I create my own reality with my daily
intention. I have such power to live
a happy, healthy, purposeful life. Of
course I have problems. I recognize
my problems as challenges my soul asks me to resolve. As I learn to resolve
problems, I become more and more resilient and capable of taking positive action,
even when circumstances are dreadful and many surrounding me feel hopeless.
I take cruel people into my heart. I
place them in my heart and ask my Holy Presence to listen to their problems and
hold them in the consciousness of love. I
have no fear of holding them within my heart.
These people just haven’t found out how loved they are by the Holy
Presence they hold in their own hearts.
I have special companions in life who share my purpose. We
promise to help one another love others and ourselves.
We promise to keep one another in our hearts as highly compatible
supporters of our evolution. We help one another comprehend the consciousness of
giving and receiving love. We
support one another in telling the truth. We
support one another in standing in our truth even if others become upset with
I am that I am. I am a healing force
in my world. I have all the love
that I ask for. I am a completely
loving person who loves to do what my Holy Presence asks me to do.
Call me a conscientious objector to war.
Call me a left wing, lively, God filled, temple of the God Head.
I am a sentient being living here on
Earth so I may further the commitment of the Human Race to giving and receiving
I am that I am.”
The affirmation above is a powerful one that I, Archangel Michael, suggest that
you post in front of you and memorize. ( Feel free to modify the affirmation
to succinctly reflect your unique perspective.) If you fulfill the commitment
expressed in this affirmation in small increments you will be providing the Holy
Presence with the power to influence many of those you fear have lost their way.
You don’t have to enter the lives of people you fear have lost their way and
threaten them with dire predictions of gloom and doom if they don’t make
changes in their approach to living. Be
a beacon of the Holy Spirit. Work
within your own circle of influence. Take
action with those groups you love and support. Stay
away from groups who prophesize The End of the World.
Hold yourself up. Stand tall. Tell
your gentle, loving Holy Presence that you would appreciate learning more and
more about how to interpret the golden presence of Grace that serves you so
beautifully when you ask for help.
I, Archangel Michael, now offer you a blessing of Thanksgiving.
Say this on Thanksgiving morning when you awaken.
Say this at appropriate times throughout the day.
Say this blessing every time you encounter a person who you dislike,
mistrust or disagree with.
A Thanksgiving Blessing
I give thanks to the Holy Presence in my heart.
Love is the only answer.
I give thanks to my Soul that leads me so beautifully through my murky, dark experiences
with living.
Love is the only answer.
I give thanks to the startlingly, complex politics of my time.
Love is the only answer.
I give thanks to my crowded schedule that pulls me from my quiet time and
challenges my commitment to hold myself in the Holy Presence.
Love is the only answer.
I give thanks to the stranglehold the war in
holds so many of Earth’s citizens in as they fear annihilation of life on
Earth as we know it.
Love is the only answer.
I give thanks to the magical presence of every child.
I hold every child in my heart and ask that my Holy Presence lead each
child to listening to his or her Holy Presence.
Love is the only answer.
I am that I am.
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