






Splash! is Now Available !!Click Here  

Enjoy this glimpse inside Splash! 
This includes the entire Table of Contents with excerpts inserted from a few chapters.  

There are five black and white dolphin photographs  in the book.  They're photographs of the pod members of three young spinner dolphins, Lovey, Baba and Binkle, who express their questions and opinions throughout the book.  Enjoy the color version on these photos below.  They represent the light filled, exuberant essence of different aspects of The Golden Rule, that Lulu and Mono the dolphins do their best to follow in Splash!.  

Scroll down to the bottom and read the inspiring Seven Rules for Living!!

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 Love One Another

Lulu and Mono Became Human Beings .............................................. 29
Lulu and Mono Become Teachers ......................................................... 32  
Lulu Speaks for Herself ........................................................................... 35
Lulu Teaches in the Temple .................................................................... 35  

Lulu Teaches in the Temple

I adjusted better than Mono to life in a human body. I learned

to walk and speak more easily. I didn’t like clothes either but I

adjusted to wearing them more quickly than Mono. In spite of my

struggles with clothes, and walking and talking I liked being a


  The temple was white with a dome shaped roof. It was built

over the water so dolphins and whales could swim in and out of

the classroom. The building was about five hundred feet long,

five hundred feet wide and eight hundred feet tall. As many as

eight hundred dolphins and fifty whales could attend one class, so

the temple was really quite enormous!!


The classroom was crowded with students. But the lessons

were so interesting that nobody cared……………………


I am telling you the story of this temple for a reason. Because

of the design of the building, people felt happier, more energetic

and they learned more easily. They felt at peace when they

attended classes and lectures in this building.


People also came to this temple to sit quietly by themselves.

They would become calm and quiet. They would relax. They

would think more clearly and they would feel happier.

Many began to breathe deeply as they sat by alone in this

temple. They would fill their bellies up with a very deep breath

and let it out slowly. Breathing in this way helped people feel very



The Angry Person .................................................................................... 38

Lulu Takes People to Swim with Her Pod ........................................... 40

Lulu Teaches Her Students to Use the Light-Violet Ray and the

Yellow Ray .......................................................................................... 41

How Lemurians Built Their Houses ..................................................... 42

Mono Teaches Children to Take Care of the Land ............................ 43

The Lemurians Were Healers ................................................................. 44

  The Lemurians Were Healers

The Lemurians cared deeply for their Earth Mother and for

one another. They also knew how to care for one another when

they were sick. You have learned, for example, how the

Lemurians used the light-violet ray for healing sick, tired people……….


I gave each child ten pieces of cloth. Each piece was a different

color. We would then sit as a group in a big pyramid. First I had

each child look at his or her purple piece of cloth. I asked each

child for feedback on what he or she noticed.

Each child said something different. Here is an example of

comments five different children made about purple:

“The purple is pretty. I like to look at it.”

“It’s easier to sit still when I look at purple.”

“Purple makes me feel like going off by myself.”

“I see a lot of nice pictures when I look at purple. I want to

draw these pictures.”

“I don’t like purple. It makes me feel bad.”

I asked the five children in this group look at the next color

which was soft, light blue. I asked each child what he or she

noticed. Again each child had something different to say………….


One child, who was very good at using color to help himself in

his daily life, told me this; “When I feel like hitting my brother I

visualize bright orange. It calms me down. When I’m grumpy,

because my mother won’t let me go to a friend’s house, I visualize

big fields of green grass. I feel happier. Then, I once again ask my

mother if I can go to a friend’s house. It’s interesting. When I’m

happy my mother lets me do more. When I’m tired and don’t feel

like doing my chores I visualize lots and lots of red flowers. Then

I’m not as tired. I can get my chores done quickly.”…………………..


So you see, you don’t have to be dependent on adults to help

yourself feel better. Remember, however, when you are really sick

you need to do what your parents ask you to do. Usually you must

go to a doctor when you are very sick. Lemurian children often

went to professional healers when they were seriously ill.

Dolphins, of course, use color healing on themselves all the

time. Yes, they are very good at helping one another heal.

However, each individual dolphin is skilled at lifting himself or

herself out of feeling tired, grumpy or sad. They do this, of course,

with rays of love-light.


Lulu and Mono Go to Heaven ............................................................... 47


Appreciate Your   Body

A Place Called Atlantis; Bim Speaks… ................................................. 53

Lulu, Mono and Their Friends Design a Center for Creativity ........ 56

The Atlanean Mystery School ................................................................ 60

Mono and the Mystery School ............................................................... 61


Mono and the Mystery School

Hello children. I, Mono, will continue to tell you this story.

You have just met my teacher Bim. He is still my teacher. He has

such a good memory. I however, forget details. I frequently have

to ask Bim to help me remember.


As you have learned from Bim, Lulu and I had a hard time

being Atlantean children. Once we built our school for

creativity we felt more at home in Atlantis. We were still very

different from most people. People, however, began to love us

for our differences. They appreciated our unique points of



Our Center for Creativity was very successful. We invited

teachers from all over Atlantis to come to our school. Before we

would let them teach, however, we required that they learn about

different learning styles. We hired our teachers from the remedial

school to teach courses in different learning styles.


Those teachers learned a big lesson from my success and the

success of Lulu and our friends. Our accomplishments, at

building and managing a Center for Creativity, put us in

position of being leaders. Even I began to feel very proud of



The Center by the Sea was one of those projects. I was in

charge of building this center. We built this center to house many

classrooms. The outside structure of the building was a geometric

structure called decagon. It had ten sides. The building had nine

classrooms. The middle of the building was circular. The front of

the building opened to the ocean and ocean water streamed into

the circular area. Our dolphin friends and other friends could

swim in the water if they felt like it. The nine classrooms were

built around the circle. There was an area that opened to the

ocean. Each classroom was a three-sided, pyramid like structure

called a tetrahedron.


The circular area in the middle was open to the sky. Imagine

nine pyramids built almost in a complete circle, around a big

circular swimming pool.


If a big lecture was given, people would sit in chairs right next

to the pool. The lecturer would stand on a podium in the middle

of the pool. A bridge led to the podium. Big important speakers

would come to our center to give speeches. As they talked,

dolphins would often swim around the podium.


Guess what happened to the Vetunan speakers? The dolphins,

of course, were sending the speakers the red ray of love-light.

These very technically minded speech givers would look at the

dolphins and smile. They would sometimes say something like

“Oh, how lovely this is.”


Lulu and I loved to watch the dolphins do their healing work

on the speakers. Sometimes we would laugh and laugh. We

would, of course, quickly calm down. We didn’t want anybody to

think we were immature…………………………………….


After class, students would swim with dolphins. They were

told to observe how dolphins, without exception, live according

to The Seven Rules for Living. The dolphins, of course, would

give the gift of love-light to the students as they swam in the pool.

Our students loved to come to school. Vetunans crowded the

classrooms. They began to learn what love is. Many began to

create Lemurian like communities. Lulu and I felt so good about

ourselves. We knew we were really making a difference.


Lulu and Mono Become Excellent Students and Important

Leaders ................................................................................................ 64


     Ask for Help

Lulu and Mono Arrive in Tahiti and Mono Tells the Story….......... 71

Lulu and Mono Don’t Feel Safe… ........................................................ 72

The Depressed, Tired Dolphins ............................................................ 74

Lulu and Mono Know Something Is Very Wrong.............................. 75

The Fat Man Is Dumped in the Fire ..................................................... 76


The Fat Man Is Dumped in the Fire

Bim completed his conversation and immediately, somebody

with a very mean look on his face, walked by our hut. We could

tell he felt like starting a fight. He walked up to another man and

punched him in the nose. The man punched him back. Both men

picked up sticks with arrows on the end which are, by the way,

called spears. The men kept trying to hurt each other with the



Lulu and I gave the two angry men love-light. We gave them

a ray that helps people feel fine about making a change. This ray

is a deep purple ray that calms people down and helps them feel

more content as they go through change………………………

Lulu and I saw a huge fire burning in the distance. We watched

as the fat man was dumped in the fire. We were horrified! Did

they punish bad people by burning them up?


The two of us went back to our huts to talk to Bim. He told us

that these people were cannibals. Cannibals are people who eat

other people. We both started to feel very sick to our stomachs.

Bim told us to send one another a ray that helps people feel safe

living on Earth, which can at times be a violent place. Lulu and I

gave each other the forest green ray.


Lulu and Mono Are Terrified of Being Eaten .................................... 77

Lulu and Mono Are Revolted by the Tahitians but Decide They’re

Not So Bad After All ........................................................................ 78

The Children ............................................................................................. 78

The Cave .................................................................................................... 79

The Crystals ............................................................................................... 80

The Story Teller Tells Lulu and Mono One Amazing Story After

Another…. ......................................................................................... 81

The Great Being from the Sea ............................................................... 81

The Big Creature from the Sea as Told by the Great Being from the

Sea ........................................................................................................ 82


The Big Creature from the Sea

as Told by the Great Being from the Sea

Once upon a time a big creature from the sea felt like talking

to somebody on land. He swam close to shore and waited for

someone to come along. A group of small children appeared. The

creature was a mer-person.

The mer-person said hello to the children. The children

laughed at the mer-person. He laughed with them. The children

sat down on the sand at the waters edge. The mer-person told the

children to visit with him every day at the same time. He said that

he wanted to teach them about love.


He said “Love is all there is.” One child asked him why he said such

a thing. The mer-person said, “Look at the water. Is that love? Look at

these shells on the beach, are they love? You are eating a pomegranate.

Is that love? Look at the dress you are wearing, is that love?”

Once again the mer-person said, “Love is all there is.”

Another child said, “Well then. We know about love. Love is



  The mer-person said, “Sometimes you forget about love.

When you do, your world feels dull. The water, the shells, the

pomegranate and the dress seem dull.

Love is everywhere. You walk through love. You swim

through love. You fill yourself up with love every time you take a

drink of water. When you remember love, the walk, the swim and

the water make you smile.

When you are afraid, you forget about love. The walk hurts your

feet. The swim takes your breath away and the drink doesn’t taste good.

Love sits right here.” The mer-person pointed to his heart.

“Your heart knows what love is. Touch your heart. Ask your

heart to help you remember love. Do this every time you walk,

every time you swim and every time you have a drink of water. Go

home and remember love. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Lulu and I heard this story and couldn’t believe our ears. This

story was obviously told by one of our friends from Vu. This was

a story from The Scriptures of Grace. We wondered why these

cannibals lived the way they did. Their ancestors were obviously

very wise and were taught by our very own loved ones.

We thanked the story-teller. We asked if he had more stories

about the mer-person. With a twinkle in his eye, he laughed and

said he could sit with us for four hours a day, for one year and

recite the stories about the mer-person and his lessons from The

Scriptures of Grace………………………………….


  The story teller said “The mer person visited our village for

many years. He taught us to love one another. My ancestors

learned The Seven Rules for Living. When they lived according to

these rules they loved one another and were very peaceful. Before

the visits from the mer-person, my people fought with other

tribes. They also ate human flesh……………………….


The Seven Rules for Living ..................................................................... 84

The Story Teller Continued His Story About His Ancestors Who

Followed the Rules…. ...................................................................... 85

The Visitors Who Came in Complicated Space Ships ....................... 87

Perhaps the Atlanteans Visited Tahiti ................................................... 87

The Story Continues…. .......................................................................... 88

Lulu and Mono Ask Many Questions and Think Very Deeply ........ 89

The Bird with the Rainbow-Colored Feathers .................................... 89

Lulu and Mono Teach the Leader ......................................................... 91

Lulu and Mono Say Goodbye ................................................................ 92

The Amazon  


Lulu and Mono Teleport to the Amazon ............................................. 97

Bim’s Story ................................................................................................. 99

Lulu and Mono Go Back to the Village ............................................. 103

The Pyramid and the Earthquake ........................................................ 104

Bim Stands on Top of the Pyramid and Gives a Speech................. 105

Lulu and Mono Help the Villagers Escape from the Terrible

Smell .................................................................................................. 106

The Tiger ................................................................................................. 107

  The Tiger

Lulu and I felt strongly that we were being watched. We didn’t

like that feeling. My sister and I were startled to find a large tiger

looking at us. We sat very still and waited to see what it would do.

The villagers all had big smiles on their faces. The two of us were

confused. We thought tigers ate human beings.


We let the villagers handle this situation because we really

didn’t know what to do. The tiger came and looked Lulu straight

in the eye. The villagers began to laugh. Lulu was shaking with

fright. So was I.


The tiger came even closer and sat right in front of Lulu. I

really thought my sister was about to be eaten. The villagers kept

on laughing.


I looked behind at the river and noticed all the dolphins were

leaping in the air. They were sending the red ray right to Lulu and

the tiger.


The tiger came even closer and put his paw in Lulu’s lap. I gave

Lulu the forest green ray. Lulu suddenly smiled. She looked at me

and said “This is a beautiful, loving friend of mine. He has come

to say hello.”


Lulu actually began to pet the tiger on the head. I was still very,

very afraid that my sister was going to be eaten. The villagers were

all smiling and giving me a signal to calm down………………


  These people got confused. They built a sacred site in their

forest. They worked very hard on creating their golden Buddhas

and their pyramid. The sites are beautiful places to be. To be

present in such a site, opens a person to experiencing the

frequency of the red ray. These villagers forget, however, to send

the red ray to one another and love each other the way you, Lulu

and the dolphins love one another. Help them remember.”


Lulu and Mono Help the Villagers Re-learn the Seven Rules for

Living ................................................................................................ 109

Lulu and Mono Learn About Their Journey to Tibet ...................... 111

Lulu and Mono Said Goodbye ............................................................. 111



Lulu and Mono Teleport to Tibet ....................................................... 117

The Groaning, Frightened Woman ..................................................... 117

The Brown, Furry Animal Who Was 12 Feet Tall ............................ 119

The Crystal That Was Eighty Feet Tall ............................................... 119

The Men in the Maroon Robes ............................................................ 120

The Sick Baby ......................................................................................... 121


The Sick Baby

Lulu and I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and

there stood an anxious looking man with an odd looking baby in

his hands. The baby was crying and obviously unhappy. The man,

of course, didn’t speak our language, but he helped us

understand, through sign language, that the baby was sick. He led

us into a bedroom that was obviously set up just for the baby. A

very young girl was sitting on a bed. She also looked sad. Another

baby was on the floor. That baby was very happy and healthy



Lulu and I were confused. We wondered what the man wanted

us to do. The man took me by the hand and pulled me right onto

the bed next to the mother. He put my hand on her belly. He took

a piece of lemon yellow cloth out of his pocket. With sign

language, he helped me understand that I should give her the

daffodil yellow ray. I knew I needed to pour yellow, from my

body, to the women’s body, through my hand………………


Lulu stood and watched me and said “I see that you are taking

care of the mother and the baby and giving them both the yellow

color that helps people feel better when they’ve been sick or



I kept on giving the mother and baby daffodil yellow love-light

for another few minutes. The baby fell asleep and the mother

began to smile. The man quietly led us back to our room.


Lulu and Mono Explore ........................................................................ 122

The Happy Man and Woman ............................................................... 123

The Frigid Walk in the Falling Snow ................................................... 125

The Sky Is Gold. The Earth Is Blue ................................................... 127

The Sphere and the Crest of the Wave Co-operative ...................... 129

Lulu and Mono Relax and Enjoy the Ride in the Sphere ................ 131

The Snow Leopards ............................................................................... 132

The Sad Monk......................................................................................... 133

Bim Helps Lulu, Mono, Lil and Jais Understand… ......................... 134

The Monks Go for a Walk .................................................................... 135

Dolphins Become Humans to Help People More Easily ................ 136

The Monk and the Snow Leopards ..................................................... 137

The Yeti .................................................................................................... 138

The Crystal , Love-Light and the Tibetans ......................................... 139

The Sacred Land of Tibet … ................................................................ 141

Lulu and Mono Fly in the Sphere to India ......................................... 142


Lulu and Mono Fly to India in the Sphere ......................................... 147

Bim’s Message About the People Bathing in the River of Love .... 148

Mono Talks About Learning to Cope with Fear ............................... 149

Bathing in the River of Love Was a Blissful Experience ................. 150

Krishna ..................................................................................................... 151

Lulu and Mono Get Dressed and Join the Woman in the Yellow

Robe .................................................................................................. 152

Lulu and Mono Sit Quietly in the White Stone Building ................. 154


Lulu and Mono Sit Quietly in the White Stone Building

The woman led us to the center of the building, sat down,

crossed her legs, closed her eyes and began to hum like the monks

in Tibet . We followed her example. We were used to sitting

quietly with our eyes closed. Our friend Buddha taught us to sit

quietly and breathe deeply. We remembered learning this from

Buddha when we were Lemurians.


Perhaps some of you sit quietly like this. Perhaps some of you

do this with your family members. It is called meditation.

Meditation was very good for Lulu and me. It helped us calm

down and become more aware of how we were feeling.

Meditation also helped us communicate with Bim. Bim liked us to

sit quietly and breathe deeply before we talked with him…………


 We learned, from our meditation, that our students already knew the basic skills needed

to use love-light in their daily lives. We were happy and excited to

learn this about our students. Lulu and I loved to teach advanced

love-light lessons!


The Center for Learning and the Woman in the Yellow Robe ....... 155

Bim Tells Lulu and Mono About Their New Job ............................. 155

Lulu and Mono Had a Lot to Learn.................................................... 156

Lulu and Mono Begin to Teach ........................................................... 156

The Man with the Afro and the Ride on the Elephant .................... 159

Lulu and Mono Teach People in a New Village ................................ 160


Create Heaven on Earth

Hawaii and the Erupting Volcano ....................................................... 165

Pele ............................................................................................................ 166

The Hawaiians Need Help from Lulu and Mono ............................. 167


The Hawaiians Need Help from Lulu and Mono

Pele talked to us as we walked slowly and carefully. She said

“Lulu, Mono, Lil and Jais, I have so many people needing your

help. Twenty five people just lost their homes. Five hundred

people have been affected by this recent volcanic eruption. They

have left this area to live in another area. They cannot survive



I am taking you to my home. You will stay with me until you

have enough life force to cope with the poisonous gasses that

have spread across the island.

I’m asking you to give my people lessons in how to think

creatively about new ways of living. These people are intelligent

but they are frozen with fear. You are needed to remind them

how to live off the land.


You can take them to swim with the dolphins. The dolphins

will help the people communicate with their angels. These

dolphins know Bim and others who live on the watery planet of



Bim felt that you two were the perfect ones to care for these

fearful people. They’ve all lost their homes. Several have lost

loved ones.


Bim told me you and Lulu used to live here. This is where you

first became human beings. This is the place where you first

became dolphins. This is the place where you first arrived from

Vu as light beings. You were the light beings who trained other

light beings to work with the love-light. You taught others to

pulse love-light into the heart of Mother Earth……………


A bay, where the dolphins love to rest and play during the

daylight hours, was your favorite place to teach and just be. You

built a temple by the bay, Lulu and Mono. The remains of the

temple are buried under the sand. The temple was a place by the

sea, where you once took people to swim with the dolphins.

You may, once again, take people to swim in the bay, close to

shore, under a rocky cliff. There, the dolphins can join you and

help you bathe everyone in the healing rays of love-light.


The lava flow has also reached the neighborhood where

people have fled to escape the flow. There are areas way above sea

level that are lush and fertile and unaffected by lava. You can lead

the people to this fairly narrow area of land and teach them to

plant life giving fruits and vegetables.


You will remain here for only five weeks Lulu and Mono. My

people just need help in healing their fear. You and the dolphins

have the ability to help them heal all the fears that develop when

you don’t think you are going to survive. As they heal, the people

will begin to remember everything they once knew about farming

and fishing. They will begin to feel happy once again and it won’t

take very long.”


Pele Tells Lulu and Mono More about the Hawaiians ..................... 168

Lulu and Mono Helped the Hawaiians Remember…. ..................... 170

Pele Tells Lulu and Mono Dreadful News ......................................... 175

Return to Atlantis

Lulu’s and Mono’s Sad Homecoming ................................................. 181

The Six Smiling Children ...................................................................... 182


The Six Smiling Children

Suddenly, six smiling children appeared and one little girl

with soft brown hair and big brown eyes said “We just swam with

dolphins. Are you angels from heaven?”


The little girl gave us the special light aqua blue ray of love light

called Prayer. Lulu and I were surprised, that such a small

child will know exactly the right ray of love-light to give to visitors

who arrive in a space ship.


Remember children, when you ask your angels for help, it’s a

very good idea to surround yourself in the light aqua blue ray of

Prayer. The very best way to invite an angel into your heart is to

give the angel Prayer.


Anyhow, I asked the little girl what her name was. She said

“I’m Lil and these are my best friends Bly, Charley, Henry, Edie

and Blake.”


I said “Lil, Bly, Charley, Henry, Edie and Blake my sister Lulu

and I are people just like you. Our friends Jais and Lil are angels.

And little Lil, you and an angel share the same lovely name!”


Lil said “I see that you are giving all these big people the light

lavender ray of love-light and the green ray of love-light. My

dolphin friends taught me all about love-light. Do you have

dolphin friends?”


I said “Lil, yes Lulu and I learned everything we know about

love-light from dolphins. We learned so much from dolphins

when we were children, that we helped people all over Atlantis

learn about love-light. We began teaching people about love-light

when we were only 12 years old.


Lil said “Well perhaps you can help us teach people about

love-light. We’ve noticed that people who know about love-light

feel better.

We’d like to tell you a story about how we’ve already helped

people learn about love-light. Can you come with us to our

favorite place and listen to our story?”


I said, “Lil, we’ve got to talk to our parents and these other

adults first. Afterwards we will gladly listen to your story.”


All of a sudden the very skinny little red headed boy named Charley

said “Being kind to others as you want them to be kind to you” is a rule

for living I have trouble with. I don’t think those adults know anything.

I know that’s not a kind thing to say but that’s how I feel.”

Lulu said “Charley sometimes you just have to give people all

of your love, especially when they are sad and depressed. When

you are sad and depressed you sometimes forget everything you

know about love. So Charley, will you and your friends please

come with us and the other adults. We’re going to talk about

everything that’s happened.”


Lil and the other children gave Charley the golden ray of

Grace. Grace helps you relax and realize you don’t have to control

everyone else to get what you want.


Lulu and I were astonished at the skill with which these

children gave one another help with the gift of love-light. Charley

was feeling grumpy, angry and upset. The children didn’t say a

word to Charley. They gave him the shimmering metallic gold ray

of Grace instead.


Charley looked Lulu straight in the eye and said “OK fine we’ll

come with you while you talk to the adults. He even looked at his

friends and said “You don’t mind sitting and listening to the

adults do you? I think that’s a good way for us to learn how Lulu,

Mono, Lil and Jais and the other adults feel about life. We need to

listen to them


The other children all said at once “Charley we don’t mind.”

As they said this to Charley, they continued to give him the gift of



The children obviously knew their friend Charley well. They

knew Charley felt like being the boss. They knew Charley felt he

knew more than anyone else. They knew how to help Charley

relax and listen to another’s point of view.


The children, the adults, Lil, Jais, Lulu and I walked to a large

area shaded by palm trees. The children brought us all water to

drink. There was a bubbling spring nearby. The water was held in

a tightly woven basket made out of plant fibers from the

surrounding landscape.


The Story of How Atlantis Blew Up .................................................. 184

Charley Knows About Edible Plants .................................................. 185

Edie Knows All About Fairies and Angels Who Help

Plants Grow...................................................................................... 186

Henry Talks about Kaleidoscopes ....................................................... 187

Blake Helps People Feel Better ............................................................ 188

The Children Receive Help from the Crest of the Wave

Co-operative ..................................................................................... 188

Lulu and Mono Teach the Children Advanced Love-Light

Lessons .............................................................................................. 190

The Story Continues… ......................................................................... 190

Bo Has Something to Say…. ................................................................ 191


All the characters in Splash! - children, dolphins, monks, villagers et. all support each other in following the Seven Rules for Living:

     The Seven Rules for Living
 from The Scriptures of Grace
(not an Earthly Publication)

1            Appreciate your body.  Do everything you can to become healthy and strong.

  2          Love one another.

            The breath of life is your trust prayer. When you breathe you are saying 
            “God I trust you and I know you help me.”

          Be kind to others as you want others to be kind to you.

  5          Create heaven on earth.
         Grace every living moment with this prayer:
            I am the soul who is responsible for world peace.
         I am the soul who loves others unconditionally.
         I am the soul who always brings grace to other’s lives.
         I have appreciation for Mother Earth.
         I am the soul who lives with Earth’s bounty and protects her from harm.
         I am the soul who says “Peace be with you,” from the bottom of my heart, to those who love no one.
         I am the soul who follows the rules with no hesitation.        
            I am Grace.

            6    Create your purpose. 

There is a reason why you are a human being. There is a reason why you chose to live on Earth at this time.  You have a purpose for being here.  As you learn more and more about love you find out something very important.  You find out that if you do what you are good at you feel better about yourself and you love yourself more.  Creating your purpose and doing what you’re good at go hand in hand.   

7.  Ask for help. When you ask for help God hears you and helps you help yourself solve your own problems.


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