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Blue Dolphin Essences 
A  History Lesson, By Sai Baba 

Blue Dolphin Essences have a history that Avatar Sathya Sai Baba is going to explain.  There are Lemurian myths about mer people and dolphins living their lives among Lemurian human beings.  The mer people and the dolphins came from a place called Sirius B.  Sirius B is a 5th dimensional place of loving, higher consciousness.  It is an ocean planet and in the oceans live mer people who are part human and part dolphin.  The oceans are also populated by many species of dolphins and whales.  

There is a lovely red aura surrounding Sirius B.  The red auric layer is surrounded by a blue layer.  The red aura represents the red ray of unconditional love.  The blue auric layer is the color of the lamp of pure love.

All of the residents of Sirius B are ascended.  The mer people and cetaceans of Sirius B know how to  love themselves as  they  love another.  

There is a kind of a hierarchy  among the residents of Sirius B.  There are avatars on Sirius just like there are on earth.  

There are avatar dolphins and avatar whales on Sirius B.  The avatar dolphins are known as blue dolphins.  These blue dolphins have a blue aura representing the lamp of pure love.  Some of these Blue Dolphins came to earth to instruct early Lemurians on how to love themselves as they love another.  

Lemurians came from many lineages.  All Lemurians were influenced by the love teachings of Sirius B's dolphins and mer people.  The blue dolphins, however, became the spiritual leaders of Lemuria's humans.  

Some blue dolphins incarnated as human beings.  All of earth's human avatars originally came to earth as blue dolphin's from Sirius.  Jesus and Sai Baba began existence on Sirius B and were among the first blue dolphins to become incarnated as human beings.  Jesus' mother Mary was a blue dolphin from Sirius B. 

Just keep in mind the quality of being able to handle life's challenges by learning about self love.  This is earth's blue dolphin instruction being carried into the New Age.  

If you feel a memory of your own early learning about self love,  perhaps you originated on Sirius B as a cetacean.  It may be you were an early Lemurian who learned from these cetacean instructors from Sirius. 

Perhaps you know the lesson of loving yourself as you love another.  If so let that learning come back into your consciousness. Contemplate on your past and have a lovely time remembering your lessons in loving yourself as you love another.   

If you feel that you  resonate with blue dolphins and the lessons they teach, this Blue Dolphin Essence program may be exactly right for you.   

Order Blue Dolphin Essences 

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