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Home Temple Essence Kits Blue Dolphin Essence Kit


Using Your Home Temple Essence Kits

  Option One  |  Option Two  |  Option Three  |  Option Four

Option One - Place the essences in a home or work environment. 
  Click here to read the  testimonials.  )

The Essences for the Home Temple are very versatile and have many uses.  Most importantly however, they create a sense of peace and harmony in the home environment.  All you need to do is place them in a room.  You don’t need to do anything more.  They can be placed in a room where you are most comfortable sitting in quiet contemplation, prayer or meditation.  Healing Centers can benefit from placing the essences not only in treatment rooms but in waiting rooms.  Board-rooms of large corporations can benefit from the healing presence of the essences. 

The essences lift the frequency of any environment and create a soothing energy.   People who are feeling negative emotions feel soothed as they stand in a room where the essences are placed.

If you purchase one essence kit such as the kit titled Loving Yourself and place the essence bottles on your home or work place you will notice you begin loving yourself more.  This happens even if you do not give the process of loving yourself direct attention through focused contemplation.  The same applies to all four essence kits.  Each kit has and emphasis and a different effect on you. 

There are four essence kits.  If you purchase all four of them and place them in an environment you will experience a feeling of rest and relaxation that can only be described as holy.  If you purchase one kit you feel the same feelings but the vibration is more subtle. 


“The essences created such a calm environment in my house that my husband who had been conflictive and angry calmed down and began to feel better physically.”

“These essences have cheered me up.  I sit in my home office and let go of my grief and my anger and I become far less anxious.”

“I had no time for sitting still.  I placed the essences in my living room and gradually noticed I was sitting down quietly focusing on problems I was experiencing.  I began resolving problems as I sat quietly amidst the essence bottles in my living room.”

 “I have been far to busy to do anything with these essences except place them on a table in my living room.  My niece comes over and helps herself to the bottles.  She sits on the floor and breathes deeply as she holds the bottles and at times puts them on her chakras.  I asked her if she knew what a chakra was.  She said a chakra is a place where complicated problems get placed.  She said putting specific bottles on certain problems helped her solve her problems.”