






The Ray of Life Force

The Ray of Life Force


This is excerpted from the book "The Twenty Rays of Christ Consciousness" by Kathryn Jensen- a book used  in the course Coat of Many Colors 

The Ray of Life Force - Light lavender – The Cross

The ray of blessing every living thing with love  

The Ray of Life Force is housed in the fourth chakra-the heart   

The fourth chakra rays represent a complex concept that’s challenging to put into words.  If the fourth chakra houses all twenty rays why are there two rays why are there two rays that are separate from the other eighteen rays and communicated about as if they were housed in the fourth chakra?  These two rays represent very specific combinations of other rays.  They perform specific functions.  The descriptions of these two rays will provide clarification. (Alive, the other ray ,will be introduced at another time.)

Life force is the frequency of all the Rays of Christ Consciousness housed in the lower three chakras.  When you bathe yourself or others in this ray you are bathing them in a higher frequency of the ray called Grace that represents the combined frequencies of the lower three chakras.  This ray is similar to the Ray of Grace but it brings in the presence of angels even more powerfully than grace. 

  This Ray of Life Force is useful to those who are already in tune with their guardian angels. The Ray of Grace provides a person with the experience that helps a person be comfortable with this Ray of Life Force.

  The Ray of Life Force and the Cetacean Nation

  The Ray of Life Force, like Grace, embodies all the ray frequencies of the lower three chakras.  However the Ray of Life Force is created by lifting the frequency of Grace into the heart beat of the Great Central Sun.  There the frequency of Grace is amplified by about 50%.  The frequency of Life Force is represented by the cross.  The cross fractal is pulsed from the heart of every cetacean into the Earth grid. 

  All cetaceans receive the Ray of Life Force as they are blessed by their pod members directly after birth.  As Life Force is pulsed into the baby cetacean’s body, it removes the effects of the trauma of birth. 

  From birth to death, every cetacean pulses pod members with Life Force, when individual pod member’s guardian angels ask for help in giving the cetacean more Life Force.  This request is made when the dolphin or the whale is weakened physically due to illness or injury or some other depleting force. 

  Cetaceans automatically pulse the Earth grid with Life Force.  It’s the frequency the cetacean heart emits with every beat. 

  The heart chakra of Earth at Glastonbury-Shaftsbury England becomes bathed in the frequency of Life Force whenever a baby dolphin or whale is born.  The impact of the baby’s pod pulsing the new born with Life Force lights up the grid and the fractal of the cross flows immediately to the heart chakra of Earth. 

  This is an area of England where crop circles commonly appear.  The purifying effect Life Force has on this area of England attracts the guardians of Earth, who travel from the Arcturian star system, to this location.  With great intention the Arcturians pulse the farmer’s fields with the beautiful geometric symbols that activate the planet for ascension.



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