






Cetacean Nation Speaks-July 13th, 2010
Cetacean Nation Speaks-July 27th, 2010
Cetacean Nation Speaks-November 10, 2010


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The Cetacean Nation Speaks...July 13th, 2010

The dolphins and the whales invite you assist them in
 co-creating Earth as a peaceful, loving place to live.

  The cetaceans offer you support and guidance 
in participating in this process.

  Every few weeks those of you on our list will receive a transmission from a different dolphin or whale, with wisdom to share on elevating the 
frequency of Earth.
(Join Our List-Above!)

Meet Helios, a humpback whale who invites you to join the dolphins and the whales in healing humanity and our Planet Earth
*Read about Kathryn Jensen's life changing introduction to Helios
and his friend Blega
*Learn about Grace, a healing frequency you can learn to activate within for self healing and planetary healing

*Do the Grace activation-scroll down and look for the message in gold letters with a navy blue background!

*Purchase a bottle of Grace if inspired


For the first few months the emphasis will be on the environment and tending to the environment will continue to be an emphasis.  But future transmissions will also focus on healing the infrastructures that must be re-created to provide a new foundation for living here in peace and harmony. 

  The cetacean mission is to serve humanity with love and through these transmissions they offer you guidance in taking care of yourself, your loved ones, your communities, the natural world.  The cetaceans will guide you in creating unity and elevating human consciousness to the level where heart centered connections between human beings is the norm vs. the exception.

  They and I ask that you recruit wise friends and associates to participate in this process.  If this message has been forwarded to you’re not officially on my list please join my email list.  Sign up at the top of this page!

  A few of you are receiving this message because I placed you on my list. Why? Because the cetaceans asked me to…that’s right!  But you always have the choice to unsubscribe.  We’re in demanding times…energy and focus may need to go elsewhere. 

  I'm honored to introduce you to a humpback whale named Helios.  Helios and another humpback whale named Blega activated me, one day last spring, to be their scribe for this series of transmissions.  I share the story of our encounters in the following message!!

  Blessing to you,
Kathryn Jensen


Helios speaks on the crisis in the Gulf of Mexico

  My name is Helios.  I am a humpback whale who resides outside of the Gulf of Mexico .  I am now in Alaska and I spend my winters in the waters off The Big Island of Hawaii.  I am now, one of many, who speaks for our Cetacean Nation. I am the one who consciously serves the Golden Ground (Gaia or Mother Earth) by giving her dolphins and whales communication from Sirius B.  Sirian consciousness is interpreted by specific members of the Cetacean Nation and we are, what humans might call, avatars. 

I care, not only for my species of humpback whales, but for the three other species. I interpret for these four species but I also serve them by caring for them by helping them remember how to heal their physical bodies and their emotional bodies.  I care for their intellects by serving them with consciousness that leads them into far more developed forms of service to Gaia.

  Cetaceans serve Gaia by lifting her frequency.  We provide this service directly through frequency alterations of the grid that stores what you define as life force.  The life force you humans are presently processing is now amplified.  You observe the results of this amplification every time you watch your news broadcasts.  You see many formal structures falling apart.  This includes, of course, the crime against nature you are all observing, with horror, unfold in the Gulf of Mexico . 

  You see the power structures, the very dark power structures, that govern the oil industry, being directly chastised by the multitudes.  The truth about this industry is being unveiled. The politicians who have a secretly coveted power base, that is supported by the oil industry, are becoming defeated, in their ploy to defend their corrupt practices. 

  The divinity of our planet Gaia is intimately connected to her Cetacean Nation.  Gaia called to us in ancient times, before the hearts of the human race came to breathe Gaia’s  atmosphere.  Gaia’s creation took place and before cetaceans swam in her oceans, the golden Ray of Grace transmuted her heart song.  For your information, heart song refers to the core consciousness of sentient beings such as cetaceans and human beings.  Our core consciousness has everything to do with the heart’s definition of love. 

  Love is the essence of all creation. Love creates all that is.  Every sentient being has a contract with the divine creator force and our contracts call to us when we’ve served ourselves with enough love. 

  My contract is to inflow you, the human race, with the ability to fearlessly start to demand that your world governments govern with integrity.  My core consciousness or heart song is as follows:

  Helios’ Heart Song

I am Helios.  I am a humpback whale in this incarnation.  I am defined as an avatar. I hold the golden Ray of Grace as my signature.  I am the originator of the Ray of Grace on Earth.  I brought Gaia’s core consciousness Grace from my former residence, Sirius B. My golden Ray of Grace flows into the third chakra of humanity.  The flow of Grace first flows into Earth’s third chakra, at Uluru-Katatjuta , Australia .  When humans are balanced enough to receive Grace, they receive Grace through the grid system from this Australian location.  These are the humans who I focus on. 

  If you are free of the need to compete with others and you are a delegate of the golden Ray of Grace you become a part of my heart song.  You may join my delegation by becoming centered on healing your own body, your own emotions, your own mind and your own soul of any need to control others.  You become my delegate when your body, emotions, mind and spirit conduct the business of being alive with the wisdom and the commitment that only comes from gently stepping up the evolutionary ladder that’s totally unique to our Gaia’s human race. 

  My delegation is filled with individuals who know love holds the only key for not only survival but conscious severing of all ties with your controllers.  The primary controllers I hold before you are those who control your oil industry. 

  I am talking to you from my home in Alaska and I ask that you consider becoming my delegate.  One delegate I’d like to introduce to you is Kathryn Jensen.  Kathryn came into my presence as I sat beneath the ocean’s surface with my friend Blega one day in the spring of 2010.  My friend Blega encountered her in the water four years ago.  Since then he and I have been in communication about her core consciousness or heart song:

Kathryn Jensen’s Heart Song

 I, Kathryn Jensen, have a contractual agreement to serve humanity by listening to the cetaceans (dolphins and whales) I encounter during my daily swims.  I write down their transmissions and I create articles, course curriculums and books that serve people with the cetacean’s consciousness. I am committed to learning how to work and play my unique role in helping Mother Earth become a peaceful, heart centered, Grace filled sanctuary.  I am that I am. 

                A Note From Kathryn—Belga Introduces Himself!!!

As many of you know I live in Hawaii seven months of the year.  Four years ago I was swimming with friends out in the deep blue waters of a local bay.  We knew there were humpback whales swimming in our local waters.  We saw them, from a distance entering the bay.  I paused to rest, looked down a saw a humpback whale sitting on the bottom with his tail on the bottom-his head facing the surface—He floated slowly upward. When he was a few feet from the surface, right beneath me, he turned on his back.  There we were—heart to heart. He rose right beside me and turned over and there we were—eye-to eye.  Was that a life altering, all time peak experience? YES!! The whale was Blega.  He has been connecting with me ever since. 

  More From Helios on his Meeting with Kathryn and Friends

  As Kathryn, her husband Dave and her friend Susan observed Blega and myself resting on the ocean floor, Kathryn gave us the Golden Ray of Grace, the Red Ray of Unconditional Love,  and she gave us the Sirian symbol of the heart, which happens to be a very light aqua blue color. 

  We surfaced with Kathryn, Susan and David between us.  Kathryn touched Susan’s side as she pulsed her with the same vibrations she gave us Blega and me. 

  We knew of her presence in her waters and drew her to us so we could activate her for delivering this very strong message to you. 

I, KJ, thought I was going to become the first ever South Kona HI whale rider. Helios and Blega were soo close to my friend and me that we needed to touch one another’s sides.  Yes this was life altering and certainly not a chance encounter. With this transmission, I’m just now discovering, that Helios and Blega were activating me to lead YOU to join the cetaceans in their style of powerful environmental activism.

  Helios Speaks…

  I ask that you serve yourselves and the Cetacean Nation by delivering this very urgent message to all of those you know who can accept responsibility leaping humanity into the frequency of Grace. 

  There are of course, those who cannot accept that there is a Cetacean Nation or that cetaceans have immensely astute intellectual abilities.  There are those who cannot accept that any human being can telepathically communicate with a member of the animal kingdom.  Such people are working on self responsibility and they should not, at this time, receive this message from you.  Be charitable with these people and Grace them totally and completely with healing frequencies.  They’ll be participants in healing themselves and others at another time. 

  Heart to heart, I Helios, connect with all of you reading this message. I am here to state a fact.  Our Golden Ground is taking full responsibility for the Gulf oil disaster.  Our Golden Ground is defined as the surface of Gaia. 

  The Golden Ground created this disaster to provide all of you with the opportunity to work at the highest level of service.  You are done with man’s inhumanity to man. You have no further tolerance for the cruel practice of putting ones own accrual of power and wealth ahead of the divine plan to create Earth as the planet of compassion. 

  You may now serve the divine plan to create Earth as the planet of compassion.  You may now have the visibility and the voice to take back control of Gaia’s developmental step of becoming the compassion planet.  

  The plan for Gaia was crushed by invading forces.  Those forces have been developing a distaste for you and your interventions.  They have tried to crush your spirit but there is no crushing of the spirit of those whose core consciousness is vibrating with the power of love.  You’ve done your work.  You’ve let go of the effects of those attempts to crush you.  Your hearts vibrate with such power that you are now the power elite!

  I now ask that you read about the Ray of Grace from the book The Twenty Rays of Christ Consciousness by the Council of Ein Soph, Through Kathryn Jensen.  You must understand the concept of Grace before you proceed with activating our planet, her humans, her cetaceans and all who live here, with the very purifying ray of love I call Grace. 

Read about Grace in The Twenty Rays of Christ Consciousness.
The book is a text for the course, Coat of Many Colors.

To support yourself in being service I encourage you to purchase a 4 oz. bottle of  Grace.
I, Kathryn Jensen,  will use these funds to market the goods and services 
the cetaceans and I offer to you


From Kathryn Jensen: 
yourself with the soothing, calming effects of this one
Home Temple Essence.

 Through extensive field testing I have found that Grace, when applied to the heart or sprayed in the air, has an immediate calming and soothing effect on people. 

See Data for the very interesting results of my field testing with Grace and other essences.  See testimonials, observations and information from aura scanning and the beneficial effects of Grace on the autonomic nervous system.  

Grace sells to the general public for $20.00.  
I offer Grace to you for $17.00 + shipping

Donation for U.S. orders
Donation for International orders


Helios’ Grace Activation

  Now you have familiarized yourself with my metallic gold Ray of Grace I ask that you take a careful look at the following YouTube videos.  They provide you with another form of activation.  You will receive the realistic view of how this Gulf Oil Spill 
has impacted many.

  Message from the Dolphins

  President Obama 

  Richard Hoagland and George Noory

  Effects on Wild Life  

  Oiled Dolphin

  Helios Speaks… I suggest that you serve yourself and your planet with the following activation:

The Symbol for Grace
Read about Grace in:
The Twenty Rays of Christ Consciousness

  I ask that you help me in serving our Planet Earth and her residents with the Ray of Grace for at least 15 minutes daily.  Sit very quietly in your favorite sanctuary.  Proceed with your usual rituals of prayer and meditation.  If you have a bottle of the Blue Dolphin Essence of Grace, spray Grace in your sanctuary.  Apply a drop of Grace to your heart.

1.  Bathe yourself in the metallic gold Ray of Grace.  Visualize this process.  Intend that this is taking place.
2.  Serve me with the golden Ray of Grace.  Send Grace from your heart to mine. 
3.  Serve Blega with the golden Ray of Grace.  Send Blega Grace from your heart to his heart.
4.  I am giving you the gift of Grace from my heart.  Can you feel my presence?

 You may choose one group or one challenge to serve with the Ray of Grace. Perhaps you prefer to choose to focus on a different group or situation daily.  Perhaps you prefer to focus on only one because of your passionate concern for that one group or situation.

Always repeat steps 1-4 above.
5. Next, send the frequency of Grace from your heart to  the group, person or situation in the Ray you choose to focus on.  Notice how you feel.  Notice what happens as you envision or feel whatever or whomever you are focusing on. 

President Obama

The National Guard

BP employees

Volunteers involved in the clean up

Gulf Coast residents

Endangered wildlife

Shrimpers and fishermen

Those involved in the tourist industry

Oil industry lobbyist and special interest groups

Oil industry executives and employees

Scientist with answers

Whistle blowers

Everything and everybody else else deserving focus….

  Thank you for serving me, The Gulf of Mexico and all that we have talked about.  You have the power to reverse the contemptuous treatment of our Oceana and Planet Gaia.  I seek for every source of Grace available and I am taking you into the soul star culture to 
gift everyone with Grace.

Over the next few months my scribe, Kathryn will send you other messages from a pink river dolphin in the Amazon Basin of Peru, three bottlenose dolphins who reside in three areas of the planet and a blue whale from the waters of the North Atlantic.  I am the avatar who cares for these three three cetacean species. Each cetacean will educate you about his or her concern about the environment, as well as give you healing tools to help you love yourself 
more and heal our world. 

Your in service,


©Kathryn Jensen 2010

Now read the next edition Cetacean Nation Speaks-July 27

Explore links to other products created 
to support you in healing 
yourself and the planet

Introduction  to The Blue Dolphin Essences  
  Facts about The Blue Dolphin Essence Course   
  Blue Dolphin Essence Kit
Home Temple Essences
Ordering  |About KathrynSupport for Children and  Parents| Links
Contact Kathryn Jensen 

To Purchase Splash!, glimpse inside the book and become inspired
Click Above!

©Kathryn Jensen 2010






Splash! was originally written for spiritually sensitive kids. 

Well, Splash! has many adult fans.  The book speaks to kids of all ages. 

It's a delightful read and full of dolphin inspired wisdom.